Sunday, August 29, 2010

I just made a creepy

cockroach noise with my foot as I came back from the kitchen.

I thought it was a spider

when I saw it turn the corner right at the beginning.  I wonder if it's asleep and will wake up.  I caught a spider recently I dropped.


There was one that crawled all the way from my bathroom to my parents' room.  My mom smashed it with my dad's shoe and will get it in the morning.

Also when I went to the Asian store with my mom, I saw like 10 feet of crabs or whatever and saw the humongous dead pigs hanging with strong upturned noses.

Usually I try to get the bug to crawl in the cup because I don't want to smash them.  I'm not sure about hornets.  I don't think I've had one inside that I remember.  I remember hiding in other rooms.  I never had to deal with anything alone.

I'm just totally freaked.  I'm used to finding these cockroaches in the garage that's now my room.  They always end up dead somewhere, good reason not to have too much stuff.  I think they wouldn't crawl thru into boxes if they have the handle hole.

Website Update

I might lie down a little.

I'm going to jog.

I also am going to take a walk with my mom with my brother's dog.

It's helping making my weight stay down.


I was talking to my grandma and she said I looked like my dad's little sister, the older one, after I said I saw pictures where she looked like my dad.

Website Update

Reasons to Feel Sorry for Me

I suffer lots of things and bad encouragement.  How could anyone see what I wrote if it seemed not, too?  I'm just sorry, but people think it's not my fault and just are upset if they think about it.

Website Update 2

Website Update

Saturday, August 28, 2010


My mom printed out a calender for September probably thru to December.

Florida Secrets

1. Publix - where shopping is a pleasure
2. Barnett Bank merged when we moved away.

walked dog, went to publix, went jogging

Publix is a grocery store.


found em ;)

I just saw it.

I misplaced my keys.

I'm going to jog.

I might take a bath or I might come back online.  I should be gone around 30 minutes, but am not sure.


I took my meal to my room and finished it.  I couldn't finish more though.  We just had a little chicken left.  It was frozen orange chicken and yellow rice.


I just threw up on myself.

Electric Guitar

My dad is playing it and said we can play together when I get the harp.  Too bad about the piano in Hurricane Katrina.

Tall Slim Middle Eastern

The men there weren't that short, but there was a doctor who was tall and slim who was middle eastern.

Half Lebanese Half Spanish

There was this girl I met at the mental hospital who was half Spanish half Lebanese.  She had the long rubbery looking nose and wore crisp clothes.  She was short though but not as short as my mom.

I woke up awhile ago.

My mom is cooking, better see what it is.  My dad is playing guitar maybe from some books from the library.

YouTube Comment

lol this shows how beautiful she is

It didn't show up.  It must wait for comment approval.

More Lebanese,r:4,s:107&biw=1680&bih=817

Can you believe this is a Lebanese girl?

The Israeli girl looks European near the bottom with her.

3rd from the bottom.

Anyway the new fact is that Middle Easterns, which includes India to Jews-like culture, is now considered colored only for technically having tans.  They are considered to be Caucasian but not European.  There are those certain countries where girls cover except for the eyes or face.

Oriental includes India and in the connection to China is Tibet.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Neat James Cameron Interview

Website Update

Julie Andrews

In the last video I posted
she said that her grandson didn't guess it was her as Mary Poppins.  I convinced my brother that the father was our dad, I think more than once.  I think I might had told my friends or something.  So yea my brother was young and I think forgot, so I convinced him again.  As a stereotype my dad doesn't look at all the same.  I guess he saw it when he was 14.  I dunno if he did or not, but maybe his sister|s did.

Website Update

Website Update

Julie Andrews

Now I want to voice a movie, but I am even more excited about wanting to be a famous actress someday.

Life is all about work and deserving things.  I can really go thru and list all the times I flubbed.  It's just that repeating it comes with its own rapture.  Things make me uncomfortable.  It's not that I don't admit what I did.  I just wish things were forgotten as they happen.  I'm not used to this at all.  Only until something else bad happens to I learn to forget something else, but some things are so stupid it just ruins it for me.

I like RPing.  The people on the Princess and the Frog board are nice.  So it was a safe place to get out steam with things that hover around our head, like people acting like the word nigger.  It really was an RP situation.  I'm glad I got that out.  The problem is that it didn't happen to me.  I thought like I know people act like it but can't actually find a way to say it because I always check people out that I'm cool and they're okay with me.