Sunday, August 29, 2010

I just made a creepy

cockroach noise with my foot as I came back from the kitchen.

I thought it was a spider

when I saw it turn the corner right at the beginning.  I wonder if it's asleep and will wake up.  I caught a spider recently I dropped.


There was one that crawled all the way from my bathroom to my parents' room.  My mom smashed it with my dad's shoe and will get it in the morning.

Also when I went to the Asian store with my mom, I saw like 10 feet of crabs or whatever and saw the humongous dead pigs hanging with strong upturned noses.

Usually I try to get the bug to crawl in the cup because I don't want to smash them.  I'm not sure about hornets.  I don't think I've had one inside that I remember.  I remember hiding in other rooms.  I never had to deal with anything alone.

I'm just totally freaked.  I'm used to finding these cockroaches in the garage that's now my room.  They always end up dead somewhere, good reason not to have too much stuff.  I think they wouldn't crawl thru into boxes if they have the handle hole.

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I might lie down a little.

I'm going to jog.

I also am going to take a walk with my mom with my brother's dog.

It's helping making my weight stay down.


I was talking to my grandma and she said I looked like my dad's little sister, the older one, after I said I saw pictures where she looked like my dad.

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Reasons to Feel Sorry for Me

I suffer lots of things and bad encouragement.  How could anyone see what I wrote if it seemed not, too?  I'm just sorry, but people think it's not my fault and just are upset if they think about it.

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